Sunday, December 9, 2007

1. The pre-existing community was able to help them because there were other Jews that had lived in the land that they were traveling through for a while and were able to guide them to their destination.
2. The establishment of Jewish leadership was important because then there would be law and order.
3. Taking part in banking, agriculture, and setting up an economic system also contributed to the Jewish survival.
4. Taking part in acculturation by making a calendar and taking on local names from Babylon.
5. Listening to Ezekiel and making the best of a bad situation by rebuilding their lives.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Dairy #1 – Reactions to the destruction of Temple 1

Hi, my name is Joshua and I am 9 years old. When I first heard about the destruction of the temple I did not accept that it had happened. It was most cherished and sacred thing that we had in our land. Everyone was is shock, as was I. After I later accepted that it had accually happened I felt terrible. I didn't know much about it at the time but I knew that it was a part of everyones life and that my whole family was devistated when it was destroyed. That day, everyone shared empathetic with one another. I only hope now that I can move on with my life.

Diary #2 – How my family survived the Exile (as third generation survivor)

Hello, my name is Chaim, I am 11 years old, and I am a third generation survivor from the exile in Babylon. I now live in Tel Aviv with my family. It is very nice here and we are doing well. I love it here because people don't judge my family and I for being Jewish as they did to my family back in Babylon. In Babylon, my family was very rich and was able to leave Babylon very easily. I think that Tel Aviv is much better than Babylon because here I can roam around freely and do as I please without being harrassed.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Hello, my name is Shimon and I live here in Babylon with my wife Ester. We were exiled out of Jerusalem in 586 BCE by Nebuchadnezzar and his armies. When we first entered Babylon we considered it much better than Jerusalem. We had never been to any other cities before and this was incredible. There were tall buildings, the markets were overflowed with traffic and the roads were so wide. However, as children, we remember how our families wept over the destruction of the Temple and how our homeland was burned down to the ground. They really enjoyed living in Jerusalem. Ester and I are wondering if we should go back to our homeland or just stay here. Our children and grandchildren and encouraging us to go back saying that there are good things to come and that G-d has forgiven us of all of our sins. Still, Babylon is a much better place for us to live in at the moment. If we went to Jerusalem, we would have to rebuild our lives all over again and I think Ester and I are too old for that. We have had a successful life here in Babylon. I don’t think we can leave all of our friends forever either. The trip to Jerusalem would also be very unhealthy for us. I encourage anyone that wants to go back to Jerusalem to go but we are simply not ready for that type of change.