Monday, May 12, 2008

Blog #7

Hello, my name is Cesar and I'm from Rome. I recently heard of the tragedies that occurred on top of Masada. I feel that even though the Jews are our enemies, they did a very courageous action.

According to Josephus, the Sacarii, who were a sect of Jews, were having a passover Seder the night before the tragedy. Eleazar was informed that the Romans were surrounding Masada and would attack within a day or two. Eleazar then encouraged his followers to murder their family because Jews could only be slaves to G-d. After they did that, the men were killed by their officers or people that were a higher "rank" than they were until finally there were only a few people left. Since committing suicide is an unforgivable sin in Judaism, they had to murder each other. They made a circle and one started to kill another until everyone was dead except for one person who had to commit suicide. When the Romans reached Masada, almost everyone was dead except for a few women and children who escaped. Supposedly, Josephus got this story from the women.

I think that Josephus is a pretty reliable source. He is documenting for our country and is supported by out government so I presume this story can be considered factual.

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